About Me!!!

Now now now, i will tell you all about me .

word to describe me is: "Bookworm" , "Gamer" , "Loner" , "Otaku"

maybe when im in internet, im quiet talk-active, but actually im a shy person... i cant talk and no one really remember about me... yeah, because of that i want to search for net friends so i can talk and have confidence in myself.

My Hobbies? i addicted with reading and playing computer. i like them soo much!! but i still intersted in photography, even though im almost dont have any my own camera...
>Things that make me addicted with BOOK:
- first, it is fun... i can use my imagination and there are no limit in my imagination
- second, it is full with interesting thing...
- third, no other thing that can make me feel like this.
>Things that make me addicted with COMPUTER:
- first, GAME.. yeah of course! if there are no games, i wont addicted to computer
- second, PHOTOSHOP! yeah i like to make new drawing with photoshop even though the result is bad enough... 
- third, computer have MANY interesting thing... like, HTML, C++, Ren'Py, Game Maker and else... i like to try it... but im never really understand
>Things that make me have interested with PHOTOGRAPHY:
- just one word, it is "Fun"

Things i like:
- Sky. yeah i like night sky soo much!
- Sunset and Sunrise
- Sleep :x(not good example)
- Music(Vocaloid, One Republic and some music that my friends like)
- Jasmine Flower(it smell so good!)
- Water
- Nature Color(like blue and green)
- Red, black and white
- Ice Cream~
- Sushi
- Japanese Food 

Maybe that is all..... Ah!! oh yeah i forgot to say it! Im so bad with english Grammar so please be patient with my awful grammar

See You Around!!

Ps. dont forget to comment kay?

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